Gnosis is knowledge, is beauty, is ethics,
is harmony, is silence.
Gnostic Association of Adelaide
Rostrevor, Adelaide Hills, Para Hills
What is Gnosis?
​Gnosis is Knowledge, is beauty, is ethics, is harmony, is silence.
Gnosis as a word means knowledge, but it is not the kind of knowledge that we attain from the intellect. It is knowledge of an intuitive nature, an intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths. A perfect knowledge, the knowledge of something divine, that transcends all faith. It is not a knowledge that can be arrived at through books, or lectures, but rather through ones own direct experience. This knowledge or wisdom, therefore, is not found outside of us, but rather within ourselves. It is the knowledge of our true nature, of creation, of divinity.
What is the Gnostic Tradition?
​"All religions are precious pearls strung upon the golden thread of divinity."
Gnosis is that thread. It is the essence that is found in all religions, schools and teachings. It is the esoteric foundation belonging to all great Masters, and belongs exclusively to no one, but is the birth right of all. We find Gnosis in the Buddhist doctrine; in the Tantric Buddhism of Tibet, in the Zen Buddhism of Japan, and the Chan Buddhism of China. Gnosis is veiled in the mysteries of Christianity and the Christ, it is found in the Sufi tradition, in the dancing of the Whirling Dervishes. It is found in the Hebraic Kabalah, in the Hermetic Alchemy of the middle ages, and in the Egyptian, Chaldean, Pythagorean, Greek, Aztec, Mayan, Incan, and Toltec mysteries.
The contemporary Gnostic movement is a modern form of an ancient system of learning, which has existed throughout the history of mans presence on Earth. For many centuries this wisdom was not taught publically, but revealed only to those who had been initiated into the mysteries. The Gnostic teachings, as taught in Gnostic centres throughout the world today, come from the writings and practices of a modern day teacher, Samael Aun Weor. He synthesised the precepts of the philosophers, mystics, and adepts of all times into an integrated and comprehensive system of knowledge and instruction. Gnosis, as unveiled by Samael Aun Weor, contains a synthesis of all the ancient mystery schools, and teaches the defined and concrete steps for the awakening of the consciousness and the self-realisation of the Being.
What is the Gnostic Goal?
​The Gnostic goal is the happiness of all beings without distinction. Happiness through consciousness, and in the end, through the unification with our interior Divinity; the self-realisation of our Being. What we seek in gnosis is the Self Gnosis, the self-knowledge, to know and comprehend our true nature, our essential nature. To acknowledge and experience our own spiritual reality: that we have divinity living within us, as our true source, our true core, as our essence. We seek to know from where we have come, to where we have fallen, to where we seek to return. And all this process done through the three factors of the revolution of the consciousness: The death of the ego, the false self; the birth of the consciousness and the interior bodies of the Being; and the sacrifice for humanity. We follow the science of the Initiatic path as it has been taught and unveiled by those before us.
Gnosis offers teachings and practices that allow the student insight into their own inner psychology and spiritual nature, through the practice of meditation. These keys are useful in overcoming stress, negative emotions, and balancing the intellectual, emotional, physical, instinctive and sexual centres. Gnosis is not just theoretical. Practices are given so that what is being learned can be verified, surpassing the boundaries of believing or disbelieving, since both lead to ignorance.
Gnostic Meditation
Meditation is a fundamental practice in the Gnostic studies, as it serves as the means through which we come to know who we are, both psychologically and spiritually.
Importance of an ethical base
"First, purify your mind and your heart through the practice of a right conduct and then dedicate yourself to the practice of concentration. Concentration without purity of mind and heart makes no sense. Some foolish and impatient students take to concentration at once without in any manner undergoing any preliminary training in ethics. This is a serious blunder. Some occultists have concentration, but lack a good character. That is the reason why they do not make any progress in the spiritual path."
Self-Knowledge of the Being
"There are two main aspects, two decisive factors in our studies: one, the Remembrance of oneself, the other, the relaxation of the body. Remembering oneself, one's own profound Inner Being, and relaxing in profound meditation: thus how the new comes to us, thus, little by little, we go self-exploring ourselves…"
Samael Aun Weor
Concentration and Silence
"Silence is a determinant factor in the work of concentration. The Law of Silence is the basis of any initial teachings, since it permits a virgin space for an inner creation. Universal Gnosticism teaches that if we want to achieve the development of something real in our psyche, we should learn to withdraw in our intimacy through the inner silence and with the saving of energies.
Watch the Silence in the silence of your mind and Pray to your Father who is in secret and you will find the Peace of Concentration."
Rafael Vargas
"When different forces or potencies of a psychical and physical order coincide in one same point of a given space, we call it concentration."
Rafael Vargas
"If you focus the rays of the sun through a lens, they can burn cotton or a piece of paper; but the scattered rays cannot do this… Even so, if you collect the dissipated rays of the mind and focus them at a point, you will have wonderful concentration. The concentrated mind will serve as a potent searchlight to find out the treasures of the soul…"